Good to know
Check-in / Check-out
Check-in from 14:00
Check-out before 12:00 noon
If you are more than 4 persons in you caravan, motorhome or tent, it costs 30 kr/extra person.
Check-in from 15:00
Check-our before 11:00
(if you have ordered final cleaning, check-out before. 10:00)
Electricity not included. Requires additional fee.
A deposition fee will be taken in cash, SEK or EURO.
This will be returned before your departure, after house control.
Smoking is forbidden in all our houses.
In some of the houses you can bring your dog. See housedescriptions.
Final cleaning can be ordered, or you clean yourselves.
We have bedlinen and towels for rental, SEK250:- per person
Charging electric cars
Due to safety reasons, it is NOT allowed to charge your electric car in our houses or on the camping.
Please contact our reception if you would like to charge your electric car.
There is an electric charging station on the big parking place.
Dogs are very welcome but they must be kept on a leash, allover the island Getnö. All dogs must, by Swedish Law, be kept on a leash, 1/2 to 30/9! You must keep your dog on the leash at all times, allover island Getnö, also in the forrest.
There are poopbags available for purchase in our reception.
Campfire / Grills
Open fire is only allowed in the special grills on the camping places, by the houses and on our special canoe campingplaces.
Charcoal and ash must be emptied in a special bin on the garbage sorting station. One-time grills are not allowed here.
We have sacks with chopped wood for sale at the reception or lantcafé.
Otherwise the lighting of fires is prohibited from April 1 – September 30.
This applies to all islands and shores within 100meters of the shoreline of lake Åsnen.
There is a place for laundry making in the west servicehouse on the camping. Coins for washingmaschine/dryer (5 x SEK10:- )
Our servicehouses are cleaned 3 times per day, in between we all help out to keep it clean and tidy. Please bring your own garbage to our
garbage sorting station. There are also kitchens and dining room, free use means help to clean after yourselt. Thank You.
Garbage sorting station
At the garbage station there are various container for waste management. Please help us to sort your garbage correctly;
foodwaste, glass, metal, paper, plastic, batteries etc. THANK YOU.
We have a WiFi-area around the reception, lantcafé and outside terrace. You can collect your WiFi-code in the reception.
Sleep well 
Please respect our time for night ”peace and quiet”, show respect to the other families between 22:00 – 08:00. Thank you
Getnö – Lake Åsnen Resort
You are welcome to Getnö as a visitor in this beautiful nature. The owner has on private initiative arranged everything so that You can enjoy and experience the wildlife adventure. For the nature, wild animals and the visitors sake there are many things to consider.
Follow the rules of Getnö Gård, private nature reserve:
- Do not drive car, motorcycle or any vehicle faster than 50 km/h! Notice that on the camping- and playground, around the sommercottages and the reception its 20 km/h!
- Only park on parkingplaces marked with P.
- Do not litter! either on land or lake. Help us keep the nature clean, tidy up after You. For all guests there are a number of garbage disposals and lavatories, use them.
- It is forbidden to break branches, dig up flowers or to damage the nature.
- Open fireplaces are forbidden allover the area! The only exception are the special fireplaces on our campinggrounds.
- Respect our birdprotection areas and nature reserves! It is forbidden to touch or damage birdnests and eggs according to swedish law.
- Fishing is only allowed with guilty fishinglicence. Do not fish near birdnests or closer than 100 m from private boatdock or house.
- Do not disturb the wild animals, show them respect and take responsibility for nature. Keep a low profile. People come for privacy.
- It is forbidden to have dogs loose, they must be on a line or a chain all the time. (according to swedish law)
- Please be careful on the lake, it’s shallow and have plenty of stones. See our special deepcharts.
- Help us to save our beautiful nature for the coming generations. Please report to us if You see something strange, dangerous or that damage the nature.

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