

Place: Getnö – Lake Åsnen Resort Fishing competition 07-08th of September 2024. Schedule: Saturday 07/9 09:00 – Registration – motorboats put in water at the Guest Harbour 10:00 – Captain’s briefing /meeting is outside country café 11:00 – Start Fishing competition Part.1. 18:00 – End of competition, registrations of length and photos of fishes 19:00 […]

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Dear Guests, We are constantly listening to the authorities’ advice and recommendations. You t should be able to feel safe and well cared for when you visit. We have taken measures to minimize the risks of spreading the virus and everything to ensure a safe stay with us. We have reviewed our cleaning routines, increased

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Julbord med teaterföreställning

Getnö Gård har fattat ett beslut gällande julborden 2020. Julen börjar närma sig och vi på Getnö Gård ser fram emot detta. Däremot kommer vi inte kunna erbjuda ett julbord med skådespeleri för sällskap eller företag nu i år på grund av den pågående Covid-19 pandemin. Vi följer noga folkhälsomyndighetens rekommendationer och riktlinjer, men vi

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Getnö in june

Getnö has a new cooperation with Åsnen’s National park. We are proud to present our new cooperation with Åsnen’s National park. Sweden’s National parks are a key part of Sweden’s nature preservation and they represent the different kinds of landscapes that exist in this country. It is important to preserve nature for future generations and

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Getnö in may

Getnö invests in a brand new Service house on the Camping grounds. We are proud to present a new service house with bathrooms and showers at our Nature Camping, so that we can increase the quality of our facilities and the comfort for our camping guests at Getnö Lake Åsnen Resort. The new house has

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Getnö in July

Getnö News – Juli 2019 Sommar Bistro Tisdagar – Getnö Burgers Onsdagar – Getnö Burgers 18:00-21:30 Bordsbeställning & Information i Lantcaféet. Getnös Lantcafé / Gårdsbutik Lantcaféet har öppet dagligen mellan 09:00-19:00 Här har vi nybakat bröd, läckra bakverk och kaffe, te, varm choklad. Ni kan också beställa grillpaket, lunchpaket, dagens paj eller pizza. I gårdsbutiken

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